Lutz Lab
Point-of-care diagnostics for
global health
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Welcome to Lutz Lab
Simple phenomena + clinical need + real-world constraints
As bioengineers we seek to apply scientific understanding to develop technology for improving human health. Our work is defined by manipulation of simple physical and biochemical phenomena to create devices for unmet clinical needs, and attention to real-world constraints improves the chances that our work will impact patients. The interplay between science, technology, clinical need, and real-world constraints creates a puzzle that requires a disciplined form of creativity and invention.
Updates from the inside and around the lab
Nuttada Panpradist is featured by Brotman Baty Institute in Promising Yount Scientists as a Profile in Courage.
Representative peer-reviewed journal publications
Large-volume RT-LAMP enables extraction-free amplification of HIV RNA from fingerstick plasma
Sensitive Pathogen Detection and Drug Resistance Characterization Using Pathogen-Derived Enzyme Activity Amplified by LAMP or CRISPR-Cas
Qin Wang, Enos C. Kline, Shane D. Gilligan-Steinberg, James J. Lai, Ian T. Hull, Ayokunle O. Olanrewaju, Nuttada Panpradist, Barry R. Lutz
Medrxiv.org (Pre-print)
https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.29.243050855Patient-centered mobile tuberculosis treatment support tools (TB-TSTs) to improve treatment adherence: A pilot randomized controlled trial exploring feasibility, acceptability and refinement needs
Sarah J Iribarren, Hannah Milligan, Cristina Chirico, Kyle Goodwin, Rebecca Schnall, Hugo Telles, Alejandra Iannizzotto, Myrian Sanjurjo, Barry R. Lutz, Kenneth Pike, Fernando Rubinstein, Marcus Rhodehamel, Daniel Leon, Jesse Keyes, George Demiris
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas (Sept. 2022)
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lana.2022.100291Multiplex Target-Redundant RT-LAMP for Robust Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Using Fluorescent Universal Displacement Probes
Simultaneous monitoring of HIV viral load and screening of SARS-CoV-2 employing a low-cost RT-qPCR test workflow
Gaurav K. Gulati, Nuttada Panpradist, Samuel W. A. Stewart, Ingrid A. Beck, Ceejay Boyce, Amy K. Oreskovic, Claudia García-Morales, Santiago Avila-Ríos, Peter D. Han, Gustavo Reyes-Terán, Lea M. Starita, Lisa M. Frenkel, Barry R. Lutz, and James J. Lai
Royal Society of Chemistry (June 17, 2022)
https://doi.org/10.1039/D2AN00405DAptamer Sandwich Lateral Flow Assay (AptaFlow) for Antibody-Free SARS-CoV-2 Detection
The impact of a rapid home test on telehealth decision-making for influenza: a clinical vignette study
Xinyan Cai, Mark H. Ebell, Rachel E. Geyer, Matthew Thompson, Nicole L. Gentile & Barry Lutz
BMC primary care 23 (1), 1-11 (April 13, 2022)
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-022-01675-1Requirements and Study Designs for US Regulatory Approval of Influenza Home Tests
Tony Yang, Larry G. Kessler, Matthew J. Thompson, Barry R. Lutz
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 60 (5), e01884-21 )(March 18, 2022)
https://doi.org/10.1128/jcm.01884-21Diagnostic Accuracy of an At-Home, Rapid Self-test for Influenza: Prospective Comparative Accuracy Study
Geyer RE, Kotnik JH, Lyon V, Brandstetter E, Zigman Suchsland M, Han PD, Graham C, Ilcisin M, Kim AE, Chu HY, Nickerson DA, Starita LM, Bedford T, Lutz B, Thompson MJ
JMIR public health and surveillance 8 (2), e28268 (Feb. 22, 2022)
https://doi.org/10.2196/28268Isothermal Amplification with a Target-Mimicking Internal Control and Quantitative Lateral Flow Readout for Rapid HIV Viral Load Testing in Low-Resource Settings
Ian T. Hull, Enos C. Kline, Gaurav K. Gulati, Jack Henry Kotnik, Nuttada Panpradist, Kamal G. Shah, Qin Wang, Lisa Frenkel, James Lai, Joanne Stekler, and Barry R. Lutz
Analytical Chemistry 94 (2), 1011-1021 (Dec. 17, 2021)
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.1c03960A systematic review of clinical prediction rules for the diagnosis of influenza
Mark H. Ebell, Ivan Rahmatullah, Xinyan Cai, Michelle Bentivegna, Cassie Hulme, Matthew Thompson and Barry Lutz
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 34 (6), 1123-1140 (Nov. 2021)
https://doi.org/10.3122/jabfm.2021.06.210110Characterizing the molecular composition and diagnostic potential of Mycobacterium tuberculosis urinary cell-free DNA using next-generation sequencing
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 112, 330-337 (Nov. 2021)
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2021.09.042Evaluating an app-guided self-test for influenza: lessons learned for improving the feasibility of study designs to evaluate self-tests for respiratory viruses
Monica L. Zigman Suchsland, Ivan Rahmatullah, Barry Lutz, Victoria Lyon, Shichu Huang, Enos Kline, Chelsey Graham, Shawna Cooper, Philip Su, Sam Smedinghoff, Helen Y. Chu, Kara Sewalk, John S. Brownstein & Matthew J. Thompson
BMC infectious diseases 21 (1), 1-12 (June 29, 2021)
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-021-06314-1Flu@home: The comparative accuracy of an at-home influenza rapid diagnostic test, using a pre-positioned test kit, mobile app, mail-in reference sample, and symptom-based testing trigger
Harmony COVID-19: A ready-to-use kit, low-cost detector, and smartphone app for point-of-care SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection
Rapid Near Point-of-Care Assay for HLA-B*57:01 Genotype Associated with Severe Hypersensitivity Reaction to Abacavir
Diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis using sequence-specific purification of urine cell-free DNA
Implementation of an interactive mobile application to pilot a rapid assay to detect HIV drug resistance mutations in Kenya
Ultrasensitive hybridization capture: Reliable detection of <1 copy/mL short cell-free DNA from large-volume urine samples
Simpler and faster Covid-19 testing: Strategies to streamline SARS-CoV-2 molecular assays
Urine Biomarker Assessment of Infant Adherence to Isoniazid Prophylaxis
Near point-of-care, point-mutation test to detect drug resistance in HIV-1: a validation study in a Mexican cohort
The Seattle Flu Study: a multi-arm community-based prospective study protocol for assessing influenza prevalence, transmission, and genomic epidemiology
OLA-Simple: A software-guided HIV-1 drug resistance test for low-resource laboratories
Analytical Comparison of Methods for Extraction of Short Cell-Free DNA from Urine
1775. A Community-wide Study to Evaluate the Accuracy of Self-testing for Influenza: Works in Progress
Threshold-Based Quantification in a Multiline Lateral Flow Assay via Computationally Designed Capture Efficiency
Frequency characterization of flow magnitude and phase in resonant microfluidic circuits
Flow control using audio tones in resonant microfluidic networks: towards cell-phone controlled lab-on-a-chip devices
Simplified paper format for detecting HIV drug resistance in clinical specimens by oligonucleotide ligation
Isothermal Strand Displacement Amplification (iSDA): A Rapid and Sensitive Method of Nucleic Acid Amplification for Point-of-Care Diagnosis
One-step purification and concentration of DNA in porous membranes for point-of-care applications
A versatile valving toolkit for automating fluidic operations in paper microfluidic devices
Swab Sample Transfer for Point-Of-Care Diagnostics: Characterization of Swab Types and Manual Agitation Methods
Long-term dry storage of an enzyme-based reagent system for ELISA in point-of-care devices
Dissolvable fluidic time delays for programming multi-step assays in instrument-free paper diagnostics
Subject of a “Viewpoints” article by George Whitesides, Lab on a Chip (2013), DOI: 10.1039/C3LC90066e. Also featured in Chemistry World, May 30, 2013, ”Microfluidic sugar paper” with quotes from George Whitesides
A Rapid, Multiplexed, High-Throughput Flow-Through Membrane Immunoassay: A Convenient Alternative to ELISA
Progress toward multiplexed sample-to-result detection in low resource settings using microfluidic immunoassay cards
New and Improved Ways to Treat Hydrocephalus: pursuit of a smart shunt
Two-dimensional paper networks: programmable fluidic disconnects for multi-step processes in shaped paper
Enhanced Sensitivity of Lateral Flow Tests Using a Two-Dimensional Paper Network Format
Transport in two-dimensional paper networks
Microfluidics without pumps: re-inventing the T-sensor & H-filter in paper networks
Chemical signal amplification in two-dimensional paper networks
Visualization and measurement of flow in two-dimensional paper networks
Controlled reagent transport in disposable 2D paper networks
Rapid protein depletion from complex samples using a bead-based microfluidic device for the point of care
Current lab members
Barry Lutz
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
Office: Foege N530N
Phone: (206) 685-9891
ResearchGate ProfileGarima Thakur
Lab Manager, Research Scientist
Ph.D. Chemistry
Office: Foege N209B
Phone: (206) 543-7331
ResearchGate ProfileEnos Kline
Research Scientist
Protein engineering and assay design; HIV drug resistance, HIV self-test, Engineered polymerase, Harmony COVID-19 test
ResearchGate ProfileShane Gilligan-Steinberg
BioE Ph.D. Student
Former Members
Leila Ahmadinia, Research Scientist, OLA-Simple
Bob Atkinson, Point-of-care multiplexable nucleic acid assay for STDsCrissa Bennett, Research Scientist, COVID test development, TB cfDNA project, Current: Anavasi Diagnostics
Jordan Campbell, Research Assistant, OLA-Simple - HIV Drug Resistance TestJack Henry Kotnik, Research Scientist, Assay design, TARA Project; automated lateral flow strip interpretation; comparative accuracy of rapid diagnostic tests
Daniel Leon, CrossLife TARA detection projects, TB-drug adherence at-home monitoring project
Ria Sonigara, Graduate Student, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), OLA-Simple – HIV Drug Resistance Test
Sam Stewart, Research Scientist, OLA-Simple – HIV Drug Resistance Test2024 Graduates
Qin Wang, BioE Ph.D. Student, HIV Self-test
2023 Graduates
Ian Hull, Ph.D. Student, Polymerase engineering for direct nucleic acid diagnostics
2022 Graduates
Nuttada Panpradist, Ph.D. student, OLA-Simple – HIV Drug Resistance Test, Post-doctoral Fellow, OLA-Simple – HIV Drug Resistance Test Currently Post-doctoral Fellow at UW Global WACh and a Lutz lab collaborator,
2021 Graduates
Amy Oreskovic, Ph.D. student, (TB diagnosis from urine cell-free DNA)
2019 Graduates
Zachary McNulty, Undergraduate Student (Point-of-care pulmonary TB detection using urine)
2018 Graduates
Jonathan Lim, Undergraduate Student (Point-of-care pulmonary TB detection using urine)
David McIntyre, Undergraduate Student (OLA-Simple - HIV Drug Resistance Test)
Rahil Jain, EEPh.D. Candidate
Annapurni Sriram, Undergraduate Student (OLA-Simple - HIV Drug Resistance Test)
Rosemichelle Marzan, Undergraduate Student, (Collaboration Project with Global Good)
2017 Graduates
Nikka Higga, BioE Senior Capstone Student (OLA-Simple), Currently at Seattle Children's Hospital
Bella Spielman, BioE Senior Capstone Student (OLA-Simple), Currently at Accenture
Annie Wing-on-Wong, BioE Senior Capstone Student (OLA-Simple), Currently at Seattle Children's Hospital2016 Graduates
Ian Andrews, BioE Senior Capstone Student (OLA-Simple), Currently at MIT
Doan Dinh, BioE Senior Capstone Student (Lab on a phone call project), Currently at Physio-Control2015 and before
Yoni Browning. Undergraduate Student (AC Fluidics Project)
Damon Cassisi. Research Engineer (Smart Shunt Project)
Bibianna Cha, Research Engineer (Smart Shunt Project)
Shivani Dharmaraja, Masters Student (Point-of-Care Diagnostics for HIV)Marie Eberlein, BioE Senior Capstone Student (AC Fluidics Project)
Ricky Liu, BioE Senior Capstone Student (Capillary-driven Point-of-Care Diagnostics, collaboration with Deok-Ho Kim)
Madhav Murthy, Undergraduate Researcher (Point-of-Care Diagnostics for HIV)Reid Philips. BioE Senior Capstone Student (AC Fluidics Project)
Joel Relethford, Research Engineer (Smart Shunt Project)Rachana Shah. Graduate Student, MS 2010 (AC Fluidics Project)
Pranav Venkataraman, BioE Senior Capstone Student (Smart Shunt Project)
Chenyi Wang, BioE Senior Capstone Student (Smart Shunt Project)
James Wong. BioE Senior Capstone Student (AC Fluidics Project, Protein Printing)Archived News
Updates from the inside and around the lab
Wookyeom Kim joins Lutz Lab
Wookyeom received a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Pusan National University and a master's degree in mechanical engineering from POSTECH in South Korea. He studied Lung-on-a-chip, which cultures inkjet bioprinted human alveolar models.
When he went to a low medical resources country to deliver medical services, he witnessed the majority of patients just going back with some painkillers instead of appropriate treatment due to the absence of diagnostic equipment for a low-resource setting. Ever since the visit, Wookyeom has been dreaming of developing an innovative point-of-care testing method so that anyone can receive appropriate treatment. His research interest involves the development of a tuberculosis cfDNA capturing method from accessible liquid biopsies such as urine.
Out of the lab, Wookyeom enjoys playing tennis and cooking.
Rhett Britton joins Lutz Lab
Rhett is from Nashville, Tennessee, and earned his B.E. in Biomedical Engineering from Vanderbilt University in 2020. His undergraduate research included projects in structural biology and microfluidics.
After graduation, Rhett worked as a research assistant in the Chilkoti lab at Duke University where he developed rapid point-of-care COVID-19 antigen assays. His long-term interest in diagnostic technologies intended for low-resource settings around the globe led him to join the Lutz lab in 2022. He is currently working on the development of an assay to detect drug-resistant tuberculosis strains from urine cell-free DNA.Outside of the lab, Rhett loves to travel, hike, kayak, play piano and ukulele, and cheer on the Nashville Predators and Tennessee Titans.
February 7Nuttada Panpradist featured on UW Bioengineering News: "New Ph.D. grad Nuttada Panpradist ready for next challenge: faculty position"
Having successfully defended her Ph.D. in Dec. 2021, Nuttada is featured on her accomplishments and contributions to UW Bioengineering as a Ph.D. student, and her contributions to the success of the Lutz Lab. She is recognized for having the "heart of a leader".
Follow Nuttada's journey:
Nuttada's website
Nuttada's blog
January 24Featured on Local Newscast for Harmony Kit COVID-testing
Dr. Lutz is the senior author on a paper published Dec. 15 in Science Advances that describes the Harmony COVID-19 test kit. The team developed Harmony to be simple and easy-to-use, employing ready-to-use reagents. The test uses a “PCR-like” method to detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome in a nasal swab sample with the aid of a small, low-cost detector, which was also designed by the Lutz Lab. A smartphone is used to operate the detector and read the results. The detector can handle up to four samples at a time and would fit into a standard car’s glove compartment.
August 16
$14.9M Awarded to Lutz Lab’s COVID-19 Technology Company
Anavasi Diagnostics, a company recently founded out of Professor Barry Lutz’s lab at the University of Washington, announced it has been awarded $14.9 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADxSM) initiative. The funding will accelerate the launch and broad market availability of the AscencioDx™ molecular diagnostic platform for the detection of RNA indicative of the SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 virus.
The project was initiated less than a year ago and advanced quickly with coaching and support from the WE-REACH team and the NIH RADx initiative. Learn more about the exciting journey this team has been on as they moved their technology from university-based research to a funded commercial enterprise.
August 16Read about the SARS-CoV-2 technology developed from Lutz lab @uwbioe MedRxiv. A novel four-plexed RT-LAMP test kit operated by health workers can provide faster and more sensitive results than lab tests. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.12.21261875v1.full.pdf+html
August 9Garima Thakur Hired As Lutz Lab Manager
Garima graduated with Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Miami, FL, and worked as a CERC post-doctoral fellow at the University of Alberta, Canada. Before joining Lutz lab as lab operations manager/research scientist, she worked as Lab & Research Director at SoundBio Lab, Seattle. She's excited to join Lutz Lab and will work on lab operations and conduct research.
The motivation for her research is her intellectual drive toward smaller dimensions to explore size-dependent novel properties and phenomena. Over the past 13 years, Garima'ss research focus has been on nanotechnology to design and develop complex biomolecular smart materials for biosensing and biomedical research applications. Her background in research includes surface chemistry, protein self-assembly, protein aggregation, nanomaterials, biosensing using nanomechanical deflection, and spectroscopic methods for the benefit of biotechnology. Garima's primary research contributions involve, but are not limited to inhibition of amyloid beta fibrillation, Langmuir monolayer models for lipid raft research, protein patterning, self-assembled hydrogels, and nanomechanical deflection sensing for point-of-care diagnostics.
Garima volunteers for SoundBio and ACS Puget Sound Section as a member of the Diversity Equity Inclusion and Respect (DEIR) Committee and Women Chemist Committee (WCC) in her free time. She was recently nominated as an Alternate Councillor at ACS Puget Sound Section of ACS. Another of Garima's passions is to create workshops or courses for a wider audience and she enjoys reviewing journal articles for peer-reviewed journals.
June 10Nuttada Panpradist Receives UW College of Engineering Award
Nuttada Panpradist’s impressive academic career includes 13 publications, 17 conference proceedings, and four patent applications. Her simple point-of-care tests detect HIV genetic mutations to help doctors prescribe non-resistant drugs. She designed rapid lab tests for COVID-19 and devices to ensure patients are taking their TB medication. She has collaborated with various researchers on COVID-19 projects such as developing new methods to detect SARS-CoV-2 in Seattle to validating point-of-care tests in pediatric clinics. As a mentor, Panpradist connects undergraduate students with research projects that match their interests. All her students have received research scholarships and are named co-authors and co-inventors of patents. “Nuttada has gone above and beyond to foster our new collaboration; beyond her scientific acumen, she is an attentive and professional partner, mature beyond her years, conscientious, flexible, able to balance multiple responsibilities, and has an impressive work ethic.”
June 9Lutz Lab's Nuttada Panpradist will join an expert panel at today's WE-REACH fireside chat to discuss biomedical business models, budgets, and funding sources. https://www.seattleangelconference.com
Other experts who will be on the panel are:• John Sechrest, CEO, Seattle Angel Conference
• Elizabeth Cross Nichol, APIS Health Angels, Seattle
• Minda Brusse, First Row Partners, Seattle
Previously Lutz Lab received funding from WE-REACH to support the commercialization of the point-of-care COVID-19 test.
June 7
Congratulations to Nuttada for being recognized for outstanding contributions to UW Bioengineering research! The UW College of Engineering Awards acknowledged the extraordinary efforts of the college’s teaching and research assistants, staff and faculty members.
Nuttada Panpradist’s impressive academic career includes 13 publications, 17 conference proceedings, and four patent applications. Her simple point-of-care tests detect HIV genetic mutations to help doctors prescribe non-resistant drugs. She designed rapid lab tests for COVID-19 and devices to ensure patients are taking their TB medication. She has collaborated with various researchers on COVID-19 projects such as developing new methods to detect SARS-CoV-2 in Seattle to validating point-of-care tests in pediatric clinics. As a mentor, Panpradist connects undergraduate students with research projects that match their interests. All her students have received research scholarships and are named as co-authors and co-inventors of patents. “Nuttada has gone above and beyond to foster our new collaboration; beyond her scientific acumen, she is an attentive and professional partner, mature beyond her years, conscientious, flexible, able to balance multiple responsibilities, and has an impressive work ethic.”
Amy passed her Ph.D. defense, titled "Improving diagnosis of tuberculosis from urine cell-free DNA." Congratulations Amy!"
Nuttada's paper from 2014 on swabs for point-of-care testing is getting a lot of attention lately. She characterized the release of samples from different nasal swab types, including the effect of manual agitation and a novel design for flow-through swabs - very relevant today for Covid testing. She is working on a follow-up paper - coming soon!2020
The Lutz group is recruiting postdoctoral researchers and research engineers to develop novel point-of-care diagnostics for global health and home testing. We have multiple projects in areas of HIV, respiratory infection (including Covid-19), and other infectious diseases. We are looking for strong thinkers who can contribute in the following areas:- Point of care device engineering (mechanical prototyping, optical detection, low-cost electrical design)
- Development of novel assays (RNA/DNA detection, nucleic acid amplification)
Please send your CV to Dr. Lutz with the subject “Lutz Lab Hiring 2020”
Rahil passed his defense. Congratulations!
OLA Simple won the 2nd place $10k award at the annual Health Innovation Challenge
Dr. Lutz traveled to Nepal as part of a Bioengineering department group to make ties to Kathmandu University.
Rahil's paper on the flow magnitude and phase measurement in resonant devices is published and selected to be featured on the Front Cover of the Journal Analytical Methods.
08/22 - 09/15
Rahil got the Amazon Catalyst grant ($50k) and the GIX Innovation Award ($20k) to further work on commercializing his side projects.
Dr. Nathan White (UW, Emergency medicine) and Dr. Lutz submitted a new collaboration grant to work on a smartphone-powered thromboelastography device based on the resonant microfluidics project.
Nuttada received the prestigious 2017 UW Medicine Bud Tribble and Susan Barnes Graduate Discovery Fellowship. To learn more: https://bioe.uw.edu/nuttada-panpradist-receives-graduate-discovery-fellowship/
Rahil's paper featured on the Front Cover of the Journal Lab on a Chip Volume 17 Number 9
News article - https://bioe.uw.edu/ph-d-student-rahil-jain-investigates-smart-solutions-for-diagnostics-home-electronics/
Nuttada passed her Generals! Congratulations!
Dr. Lutz traveled to Bangladesh to experience the global health needs first-hand.
Nuttada and her OLA-Simple team were featured on KIRO NEWS
Rahil passed his Generals. Congratulations!
Congratulation to Nuttada and Rahil for being selected as 10 finalists around the nation for the APF Student Technology Prize for Primary Healthcare. The competition, administered by Massachusetts General Hospital's Ambulatory Practice of the Future (APF) and sponsored by the Gelfand Family Charitable Trust, encourages and supports engineering students' efforts to develop innovative, clinically-relevant primary health care technology concepts.
Congratulations to Doan and Ian on graduating. Ian made it to coveted Husky 100 and is heading to MIT for graduate school. Doan will be working with Physio Control in Redmond WA. Good luck to you both.
Congratulations to Nuttada and Rahil to make it final round of APF Student Technology Prize. Both are independently getting $10k to further their research. Final proposals are due Aug 29.
Congratulations to Annie on receiving Mary Gates Research Scholarship!
Nuttada and Dr. James Lai (our collaborator on the OLA-Simple Project) wrote a chapter on point-of-care diagnostics as part of the book titled "Biomaterials Nanoarchitectonics" edited by Mitsuhiro Ebara. The book has just been published and now available at Elsevier website and can be downloaded via the UW library.
Bioengineer sophomore Jonathan Lim joined the Lutz Lab and will work on the TB project. Welcome Jonathan!!!
Nuttada's manuscript in PLoS ONE! "Simplified paper format for detecting HIV drug resistance in clinical specimens by oligonucleotide ligation" - see publications
02/20 - 02/21
Nuttada, Annie, Ian and Nikki are presenting at the XXV International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop in Boston, MA (a closed workshop, with a limited attendance of 200 delegates). Stop by and check out their poster presentations in the New Resistance Technologies and Interpretations Session!
Nuttada is co-lecturing with Dr. Sylvia LaCourse in the GH590 Global WACh BioEngineering Seminar on "Opportunities for Point-of-care TB Diagnostics" Come by at 4:30 - 5:30 PM at EEB 037 in the Electrical Engineering Building!
01/04 - 03/11
Dr. Lutz is teaching the Global Health Technology: Molecular Diagnostics!
01/04 - 03/11
Nuttada is TAing for BIOEN 531 Proposal Writing by Dr. Marta Scatena - one of the three Bioengineering Graduate Core classes! She is teaching a class on oral presentation and grant reviewing process on the Feb 8th, 2015.
Contact us
Inquiries or correspondence should be sent to:
Barry Lutz
blutz @ uw.edu
University of Washington
Department of Bioengineering
3720 15th Avenue NE
Box 355061
Seattle WA 98195
Lab assets
Emergency Contacts
Lutz Lab
University of Washington, Seattle